Ugh! All This white stuff is getting on my nerves! I will give you the condensed version of my day...My baby started Sunbeams today...WAH!!! If that wasn't enough...everything went downhill from there! I got home from church (hoping for a nap) and instead was greeted with water all over my kitchen floor...fabulous...where is it coming from? The window...yep...that's right. Why would water be coming in from the window, you say? It's because there is 8,000 inches of ice and snow atop our roof...15 towels later...I called over the neighbor (Eric was asleep after working all night and all morning and had only been asleep for 2 hours at this point). Anyways, Phillip came over and assessed the damage...I then called my friend Aimee and she brought over her 2 boys to help shovel off the roof (while she was on her brother's quad shoveling our sidewalk). Eric was awakened at this point due to all the commotion. I then called a member of our bishopric who, coincidentally, is a roofer...YEAH! (Be nice to the people in your ward so when you need them, they will come!) Terry Simpson brought over 2 daughters (who my kids LOVE) and a son (who they didn't know....but now love him, too!) The girls kept the kids occupied while I hauled bucket after bucket of hot water to the men on the roof(thank you Ashley for feeding the kids and doing the dishes...i love you! (I hope Edward was a good payment...pass him on to Christina)...I think, by the time they left, that they were in agreement that Supernanny would be helpful at our house (all the extra people, of course, did not help with the caos factor). Anyways, during all of this, someone had called in sick at Holy Family and they called Eric to go in early...hahahahahahahahahaha! Well, in a nutshell...the roof is fixed for now but it is now snowing again and we are due to get 6-10 inches during the night...and they have already cancelled school for the kids...will this winter break ever end?!?! Give me a call to make sure we are all still breathing and sane...until are some pictures of our fun times! It sure is a blessing that we are surrounded by good people who are willing to give service to you...and that they think highly enough of you to be willing to do it...hopefully one day, we can return the favor...Be good and stay safe...until next time....
Where did all the snow from the roof go?
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