Other Things May Change Us,
But We Start And End With Family!
But We Start And End With Family!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
This Week's Song Dedication
Disclosure: First of all...this is totally not meant to offend ANYONE...this song is one we grew up with and back in the day when you could live in peace and harmony and say things to people and they wouldn't be twisted around and have you being accused of being racist...which I totally am not (you should see our wedding photos...I think we had just about every race represented in our wedding party alone)...having said that...Okay, brother...this one is yours...Ray Stevens' "Ahab the Arab"...makes me laugh everytime I hear it! Brother would totally get into performing this song....I think Roland (cousin) would get into it too he liked the bone in the nose part...hilarious to think about all the trouble we used to get into...btw...here is a funny story about my brother...so, for a while, after we moved to Spokane, we were in the same ward. I would walk up to him and say, "hey, brother..." and thought nothing of it...well, one Sunday, he was sitting in the chapel talking with a guy named Bro. Duncan...anyways, I walked up to my brother and said, "hey, brother...do you want some jolly ranchers?" Brother Duncan said," His name is Brother Nelson"...confused for a minute, I said, "Yeah...so?!?!" He said, "You just called him brother...his name is Brother Nelson" I turned to Bro. Duncan and said, "I know...but he really is my brother, so I shortened it!" We had been in the same ward for, crud, I don't know...over a year...hardly anybody knew we were related...they thought I called him "brother" because I couldn't remember his last name! I still laugh everytime I run into Bro. Duncan...anyways, I had a bunch of songs that reminded me of you, brother remember the "eternal flame?!?!"... but this one made me laugh the hardest! I've got a good one in mind for my sisters...I just have to find it online...it's a good one...just be warned...it may be embarassing! Until next time..........
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Song Dedications...

Monday, February 23, 2009
Please Help....
So, I am making my menu out for the next couple of weeks or so and am looking for some new recipes...I know you got 'em...are you willing to share 'em? Please do...post it in a comment or email me...tiphaine(dot)brewer(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks....Until next time...........
Monday, February 16, 2009
My First Giveaway...Just Copy and Paste!!!
We love you and how will we show thee???
A Giveaway!
What a perfect way for ME to show YOU my love.
The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something made by me, my choice, for you. (I know... a little scary, but maybe fun? Huh?)
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done by the end of March.
4- You have no clue what it is going to be. It may be a story, poetry, picture, but it will be something I will make and give or mail to you. Who knows...not you, or me! :)
The CATCH?? Oh, the catch is that you must copy this post and re-post it on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who respond to yours. The first 5 people who leave a comment asking me something they want to know about me will then win a handmade gift by me!
Oh, and be sure to post of picture of it when you get it!
(And if I don't get any responses within 72 hours, this Giveaway will disappear!)
A Giveaway!
What a perfect way for ME to show YOU my love.
The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something made by me, my choice, for you. (I know... a little scary, but maybe fun? Huh?)
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done by the end of March.
4- You have no clue what it is going to be. It may be a story, poetry, picture, but it will be something I will make and give or mail to you. Who knows...not you, or me! :)
The CATCH?? Oh, the catch is that you must copy this post and re-post it on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who respond to yours. The first 5 people who leave a comment asking me something they want to know about me will then win a handmade gift by me!
Oh, and be sure to post of picture of it when you get it!
(And if I don't get any responses within 72 hours, this Giveaway will disappear!)
Who's the grouch in your life?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Okay, Okay, Okay...seriously, people...quit sending me hate mail...A few posts ago, I stated that I had fired Cutest Blog on the Block because their site was ALWAYS down...they apparently have a HUGE fan base because I have rec'd 32 hate mail messages from people defending them. I get it...don't take it personally, guys...I was frustrated with them...maybe I'll give them another try for next month's background since it seems they have gotten their act together...now, everyone retract your claws and go eat a Snickers...I didn't know that many people even looked at my blog...next time...just leave a comment...a nice one! Until next time.........
Action Jaxson!
Man...not only does his body move 1000 miles an hour...so does his mind! So, the new song on the blog is Human by The Killers. It was playing on the radio in the van while we were waiting for the other kids to come out of school and Jaxson and Deni were getting restless so I turned up the radio and was singing along with the radio..."Are we human, or are we dancers?" Jaxson said..."MOM...TURN IT DOWN!" I turned it down and he said, "What did that song say?" I repeated, "Are we human, or are we dancers?" Not even missing one beat...Jaxson replied, "Are those my only choices?" I tell ya...I could write a book! What a nut! I love him anyways! Until next time............
What are you having for dinner?
Well...at our house we are having Napoleon Dynamite's Dang Kay-sa-dillas (formerly brewer quesadillas...I kinda like the new name)...Here's how you make it....
1 pork tenderloin (or pork roast-even beef would work...we like pig, though)
Cook in crock pot on low overnight (I say overnight 'cause mine is always frozen when I put it in)
Take pig out and shred it...put it back in crock pot
Add 1 jar salsa...mix well...
Take a tortilla and lay it out on a hot skillet...put pig meat on 1/2 of tortilla & sprinkle w/cheese
Fold tortilla over and let the cheese melt and tortilla brown. Flip it over and share the love with the other side. Take it off the skillet, put it on a plate and do it all over again! We like to cut the tortillas in wedges like a pizza and serve with more salsa, sour cream and homemade guacamole...ole! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!Until next time............
1 pork tenderloin (or pork roast-even beef would work...we like pig, though)
Cook in crock pot on low overnight (I say overnight 'cause mine is always frozen when I put it in)
Take pig out and shred it...put it back in crock pot
Add 1 jar salsa...mix well...
Take a tortilla and lay it out on a hot skillet...put pig meat on 1/2 of tortilla & sprinkle w/cheese
Fold tortilla over and let the cheese melt and tortilla brown. Flip it over and share the love with the other side. Take it off the skillet, put it on a plate and do it all over again! We like to cut the tortillas in wedges like a pizza and serve with more salsa, sour cream and homemade guacamole...ole! YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!Until next time............
WinCo Update
So it is about 1 am...just got back from grocery shopping...I have to tell you...although I loved not having a ton of people at the store, I just wasn't that into bagging my groceries when I could hardly keep my eyes open...you just can't sleep deprive a narcoleptic...anyways...here's some of the good deals I got (mind you...I was a tad bit hungry)...Pork Tenderloins---$.98/lb., B/S Chicken Breast---$.98/lb., 5 lb bag of apples---$.98(not a lb...$.98 for the whole bag!)doritos---$.98, fritos---$.98, Oatmeal Creme Pies---$.98, and because I love him dearly...I sat at the bulk candy bin for 20 minutes and picked mr brewer a pound of watermelon jolly ranchers...you're welcome! That is just some of my good buys-gosh, it makes me happy to find good deals! I can't wait to go back tomorrow (I mean later today)...Until next time.................
p.s....I didn't even have to wait in line!!!
p.s....I didn't even have to wait in line!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
I love WinCo!!!

Oh...today is a great day! WinCo finally opened! They started building a building across the street from Wal-Mart a few months ago and when I inquired to a wal-mart employee about it, they told me it was going to be a Sam's Club...we don't have one of those, either! Anyways, a couple of months went by and the sign went up saying "Coming Soon...WinCo Foods"! Boy, was I happy! I don't even know how to describe the store to you...it is a bag-your-own-stuff grocery store! I think, overall, their prices are pretty cheap (I was browsing today). I have gone to a WinCo before in Boise when visiting my sister and fell in love with it there! They also have some bulk items that you can get (kind of like Costco). Anyways, they opened today...when you walk in the door, there was a lady handing out maps of the store who was saying, "Just to let you know...there is a two hour wait to checkout!" 2 HOURS!?!?! Seriously....let me put into perspective what the store was like today---you are at Splash Mountain at Disneyland and need to get to It's a Small World and there are 2 parades---yep...it was that ugly! There were people who were tag-teaming with other people...one would wait with the cart while the other one shopped...they did have a ton of good deals today but I have a life and could not wait in line for two hours (I came home and read a book...just kidding!) but when Big Daddy gets home from work tonight...I'm off to the store (while browsing...I made a list of the good deals and marked on the map where I need to go)...hopefully the line will be shorter (after all...it's gonna be midnight)...let's hope......Until next time........
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Funny Girl...
I should have put this under my "They Said What?!?!" section...but I thought it was good enought to post...so Eric was getting ready for work (he works graveyards on weekends) and we called the kids downstairs so we could all have nighttime prayer together. It was Deni's turn and I was helping her...she was blessing everyone and I whispered to her that she needed to ask that Daddy be safe at work...she looked at me funny and so I repeated it again...she looked at me funny again and shrugged her shoulders and said. "please bless daddy to be a dork!" There are days he doesn't need help for that! Just Kidding! Anyways, I thought it was funny...we could hardly get through the rest of the prayer! Until next time..........
I have good news and bad news...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What a day!!!

So, yesterday (Sat.) Hailey and I ventured out for a mother/daughter outing...Eric was kind enough to watch the other 3 kids so Hailey and I could spend some time together. We went to the mall and looked around a bit (we were supposed to get our nails done but the wait was too long). Anyways, we went to dinner and then dashed across the street to the INB (formerly the Opera House) to take in a broadway performance of Annie...now, folks...not that I am a broadway snob...but seriously-this is not the movie theater, people...leave the babies at home! We had people getting up all around us to take their kids potty and there was a lot of talking around us...I was getting annoyed (frankly, I wanted to get out my cell phone and play some ringtones to see how they liked the noise). These tickets were not cheap...I say to all of you idiots that couldn't keep your kids quiet---next time, stay home and rent the DVD! Okay, so ranting aside...Hailey and I had a great day together! We ended with an ice cream shake from McDonalds (after all...all great days end in ice cream!) Thanks for another great memory, Hailey...I love you! Until next time...
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